Jen & Josh; or, The JD's! {Wedding}

If you're reading this, you probably know that this was my first wedding to cover - a huge deal! A friend of mine recommended me to Jen after seeing the first engagement session I did, and despite the busiest weekend of my life, I was able to drive up to Austin and shoot this great wedding at Star Hill Ranch!

I met Jen last summer at Frontier Ranch while she was an intern and I was visiting Mark for a few weeks. I thought she was great and only think greater of her after spending these hours pre and post her wedding. 

Jen & Josh Dillender (As I call, the JD's) were a blast to shoot! I told friends before hand that they're such a photogenic couple taking pictures of them would be an easy job for me. Here are a few of my favorites! 

Glad that even as the photographer, I chose to look at the groom when the bride came out. 
This shot is precious!
So I was caught taking pictures instead of praying with them, 
but after seeing this photo, I was very thankful I did! 
Sparklers always have and always will be my favorite.
This is my favorite picture I took all day and night and the last one of them.
Josh had really fun groomsmen who let me know that they were about to surround Josh's mom and pull off this dance. Probably my favorite picture from the reception of people dancing! 
Followed by my second favorite.