
Does anybody actually read this? Very possible not, considering I have about 3 posts. 

I have been pondering whether I want to keep "Eido" as my business name, or switch to my new name when I get married (in 37 days mind you!)  I have ideas brewing in my mind around the name Caroline Fontenot and [CF] and what I could do with these things. Leave your input as a comment if you have one, either encouraging or discouraging me. And pass my blog/website along - it's time to network! 

In other news, we had a 30/60/90 celebration for Nelson, my Dad, and grandpa this past weekend in Boerne! Lots of mexican food, margaritas, and family I don't get to see often. Here are few photos from the event. 

This is Averi, my second cousin. She loved the camera! 
Papoo, the youngest 90 year old in the world. 
The 30/60/90 year olds blowin' out their candles! 
With Dad!