The Eckerts

I have 3 posts to make this week. This one, the engagement session I did last weekend, and a fun series I made Saturday on the Bitterroot River in Montana using my Dad's Olympus Stylus 1030. But for now, I present to you the Eckert Family! These are all taken in the Eckerts front yard after about 3 rained out attempts. 

Adam's dimples are killer!
I love this one because of Sandy in the background smiling at Adam:

Not sure why, but this one of his finger in his mouth is a favorite. 
The lighting was perfect in this one patch of the flower bed. 

Adam was distracted by the lawnmowers across the street, but I love the expression on his face with Anna, Josh, and Sandy watching him (though Anna is posing for me, as always).
I wish Adam was in this one, but I love all their expressions. 
Doesn't get much cuter than this... 
Except for maybe this!

Check back very soon for another post! Until then, I'll be frolicking throughout Montana where the temperature is currently 49 degrees.