I'm getting married in 5 days. It's a pretty unreal feeling, a way impossible of explaining, but the excitement is out of control. A blend of nerves, simply because this is a huge deal, nothing to be taken lightly. There is excitement, profound joy that consumes me unlike anything ever has before. Excitement to marry the most amazing man I've ever encountered, excitement to see all of my friends and family in one room, excitement for a week in Costa Rica, etc, etc. 

Last week I went to Tennessee to visit my best friend/Maid of Honor of 15 years, Allison. Christie, another best friend, joined the fun. It was a great, but too short, "final countdown adventure" before this week. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the trip to Johnson City, Tennessee. 

This was after we jumped off some big rocks into extremely freezing water. Not as cold as the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, but very close. This is Steven (Allison's boo), Allison, Christie and me.

Us on top of the fire tower. 
Steven and Allison. This was my first time to meet Steven and he is an incredible man who I quickly gained much respect and love for. They are a great match and I am really excited to hang out with them and Mark this week - double dates! 

The next time I post, I'll be Caroline Fontenot. See you then!