Lauren & Austin {Engagement Session!}

This is about 2 weeks overdue! Austin & Lauren were fun to take photos of for multiple reasons: #1 - I personally know them both. #2 - they are incredibly photogenic and #3 - it was my 2nd engagement session so I was stoked!

I went to high school with Austin and interned with Lauren, who I call 'Zeta', for Young Life a few years ago. I remember Lauren telling me her and Austin had started dating while we were sweeping pine needles at Young Life's Froniter Ranch last summer, and lo and behold here are their engagement pictures!!

I'm starting with my favorite one first. We actually started the session at the Mercer Arboretum and finished in Old Town Spring. These photos, though, go in the opposite order. 

My favorite - I climbed on a roof, thanks to Mark my incredibly strong fiance assisting me, and took this picture looking down. Thanks to the perfect lighting, it turned out amazing! Austin's eyes are so bright in this and with the contrast of the cobblestone and Lauren's dress, it makes for the best photo of the day. 
They are very talented dippers. Plus, solid walls are pretty much my favorite background. 
Texas! In Old Town Spring. 
On a caboose in Old Town Spring - 
Ella, their dog. I am not a fan of small dogs but she was sweet, I admit. 
I made them kiss about 100 times or more. Nobody complained. 
Old Town Spring on a Sunday - perfect for a photo session because everything is closed and there isn't a car or person in sight! 
The Mercer Arboretum - this was a really neat maze I made them stand in.
Love this one on the bench. 
Tree huggin! Austin really wanted a picture poking out behind a Palm tree, which inspired me to make them take this one. 
Everyone needs a good jumping picture. 
They might look like monkeys, but I think it's adorable!

They were so much fun to photograph and I am already so excited for their wedding in June!